End Of Financial Year 2020 Reflections

Celebrating another 30 June with delicious treats from our good friends at Moo Mouth Coffee in Geelong

June is always the busiest month for financial planners and this was no exception. 30 June is always like the finishing line for financial planners and many will be taking the day to celebrate and reflect on the financial year it has been. For Master Your Money Now, it has been nothing short of incredible:

– Business has grown by over 70%, bringing the total number of members to 48 (if I count couples as two clients it increases to 74)

– Awarded AFA Rising Star Of The Year and toured around Australia talking about my journey with mental health to over 1,000 of my financial planning colleagues (more on that below)

– Shortlisted for Financial Standards top 100 financial planners in Australia

– Advised clients to invest in March at the bottom of the market, jury is still out but it is looking to be a great investment recommendation so far

– Successfully completed just shy of $1,000,000 in insurance claims across four different clients and six policies

– Continuing to help my mainly millennial client base to increase their incomes, understand super, protect their loved ones, buy their first home and build wealth so they can retire earlier and with more

– Finished my Diploma of Mortgage Broking

– Awarded Infocus Rising Star

– Lost count of the media interviews and podcasts

– Grew the greatest iso ginger beard in history (in my humble opinion, wife doesn’t share my views on this…)

It has been a brilliant twelve months and firstly I must say a massive thankyou to all who have contributed, whether it be members, mentors, colleagues, friends and family, but above all else thankyou to my gorgeous wife Natalie who remains the greatest supporter one could ever ask for.

However, like a lot of you I have felt the strain of COVID and the mental pressures it has applied to all of us. I have had sleepless nights, heightened levels of stress and overwhelm and times where it has quite frankly got too much to handle.

I don’t share this looking for sympathy, I have learnt to be grateful for the problems I have and I know plenty of people are far worse off than I am. I also have built an amazing support structure around me who help me manage my “ebbs and flows”.

I share this because I know that a lot of people feel very lonely and isolated when it comes to mental health. This was reconfirmed when sharing to my financial planning colleagues in February and also speaking to my clients and friends during COVID. Everyone has been impacted by this virus and there is no doubt we all need one massive holiday to reset and recollaborate (but alas that option is looking unlikely in the short term).

You are not alone. You are not the only one struggling through these unprecedented times. You are not the only one on the verge of breaking point. You are not alone.

There is a saying in business which states that “entrepreneurs are at their best when their backs are against the wall”. Personally I think this extends to everyone.

I also like to quote “the ninth beattitude” which is “blessed are the flexible for they will bend and not break”.

My final quote is from legendary entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn who said “don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better”.

I have no doubt those who come through this will be stronger, smarter and more resilient than ever before. I remain very positive about 2020s as a decade and believe it will be a decade of great growth and prosperity.

As the founder, financial planner and mortgage broker at Master Your Money Now, I’m looking forward to growing another 70% next financial year and helping more people build wealth so their money works hard for them, not the other way around. We always have room for one more member (that’s you reading this!)

But personally, I just wanted to send out one great big virtual socially distanced hug and remind you that you are not alone, you will get through this and your best is yet to come!

Love you all like a fat kid loves McDonalds!

P.S. Feedback on the beard is highly sought out in the comments below!

If this is a topic that you would like to discuss in more detail, please go to www.MasterYourMoneyNow.com.au/getstarted to book in your complimentary 30 minute strategy session.

If you want to know more about Master Your Money Now, go to www.masteryourmoneynow.com.au and follow Master Your Money Now on:

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Disclaimer: This information is general information only.  You should consider the appropriateness of this information with regards to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Past performance does not guarantee future returns.



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